Hack for Heat #9: Total complaints over time, complaints per capita, etc.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches as mpatches
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import psycopg2
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date

pd.options.display.max_columns = 40

connection = psycopg2.connect('dbname = threeoneone user=threeoneoneadmin password=threeoneoneadmin')
cursor = connection.cursor()

Hack for Heat #9: Total complaints over time, complaints per capita, etc.

In this post, I'm going to be doing a couple of miscellaneous things to prepare for our first blog post of the summer. Last year's posts can be found here.

In [2]:
cursor.execute('''SELECT createddate, borough, complainttype FROM service;''')
borodata = cursor.fetchall()
In [3]:
borodata = pd.DataFrame(borodata)
In [4]:
borodata.columns = ['Date', 'Boro', 'Comptype']

Again, I removed entires earlier than 2011 because there are data quality issues (substantially fewer cases):

In [5]:
borodata = borodata.loc[borodata['Date'] > date(2011,3,1)]
In [6]:
borodata = borodata.loc [borodata['Date'] <date(2016,6,1)]

Remove cases where the borough was unspecified:

In [7]:
borodata = borodata.loc[borodata['Boro'] != 'Unspecified']

Total complaints by borough, year-over-year

We already have a chart of heat complaints by month; we need one for the total number of complaints received.

In [8]:
borodata['Year'] = [x.year for x in borodata['Date']]
borodata['Month'] = [x.month for x in borodata['Date']]
borodata['Day'] = [x.day for x in borodata['Date']]
In [9]:
plotdata = borodata.groupby(by=['Boro', 'Year', 'Month']).count()
Date Comptype Day
Boro Year Month
BRONX 2011 3 26256 26256 26256
4 22898 22898 22898
5 22722 22722 22722
6 23677 23677 23677
7 27348 27348 27348

Now we generate a dictionary that we can use to plot these data:

In [10]:
plotdict = {x:[] for x in borodata['Boro'].unique()}
In [11]:
for boro in plotdict:
    plotdict[boro] = list(plotdata.xs(boro).Date)

Now we need to format our data for the plot. We need 5 "rows", each representing a borough, and n columns, each representing one month.

In [12]:
plotdata = np.zeros(len(plotdict['BROOKLYN']))
legendkey = []

for boro in plotdict.keys():
    plotdata = np.row_stack((plotdata, plotdict[boro]))
plotdata = np.delete(plotdata, (0), axis=0)
In [13]:
x = np.arange(len(plotdata[0]))

#crude xlabels
months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
years = ['2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016']
xlabels = []
for year in years:
    for month in months:
        xlabels.append("{0} {1}".format(month,year))

xlabels = xlabels[2:-7] #start from march 2011, end may2016
In [14]:
plotcolors = [(1,0,103),(213,255,0),(255,0,86),(158,0,142),(14,76,161),(255,229,2),(0,95,57),\

#rescaling rgb from 0-255 to 0 to 1
plotcolors = [(color[0]/float(255),color[1]/float(255),color[2]/float(255)) for color in plotcolors]
legendcolors = [mpatches.Patch(color = color) for color in plotcolors]

plt.figure(figsize = (15,10));
plt.stackplot(x,plotdata, colors = plotcolors);
plt.legend(legendcolors,legendkey, bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1));
plt.title('Heating Complaints by Borough', size = 24)
plt.ylabel('Number of Complaints',size = 14)

In [15]:
plotdatacsv = pd.DataFrame(plotdata)
plotdatacsv.index = legendkey
plotdatacsv.columns = xlabels

Normalized total complaints

We'll also need a normalized version of the above, where everything is scaled to 100%, to see if complaints come disproportionately from one borough vs. another. There are probably better ways to do this, but I'm going to simply sum the number of complaints from each time point, and divide each column by the total for that column (i.e., number of complaints from that borough for that month divided by total number of complaints).

In [16]:
normplotdata = np.ndarray(shape=np.shape(plotdata))

It will thus be helpful to have an array of the total number of complaints:

In [17]:
totalcomplaintsbymonth = borodata.groupby(by=['Year','Month']).count().Date
In [18]:
totalcomplaintsbymonth = totalcomplaintsbymonth.values
In [19]:
totalcomplaintsbymonth = np.tile(totalcomplaintsbymonth,(5,1))
In [20]:
normplotdata = plotdata/totalcomplaintsbymonth
In [21]:
plotcolors = [(1,0,103),(213,255,0),(255,0,86),(158,0,142),(14,76,161),(255,229,2),(0,95,57),\

#rescaling rgb from 0-255 to 0 to 1
plotcolors = [(color[0]/float(255),color[1]/float(255),color[2]/float(255)) for color in plotcolors]
legendcolors = [mpatches.Patch(color = color) for color in plotcolors]

plt.figure(figsize = (15,10));
plt.stackplot(x,normplotdata, colors = plotcolors);
plt.legend(legendcolors,legendkey, bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1));
plt.title('Heating Complaints by Borough', size = 24)
plt.ylabel('Number of Complaints',size = 14)


Heat complaints per capita:

We'd also like to look at how many complaints per capita are generated. Given that we only have full years for 2012-2015, let's consider those.

In [22]:
boropop = {
    'MANHATTAN': 1636268,
    'BRONX': 1438159,
    'BROOKLYN': 2621793,
    'QUEENS': 2321580,
    'STATEN ISLAND': 473279,
In [23]:
totalnycpop = reduce(lambda x, y: x +y, boropop.values())
In [24]:
complaintsbyyear = borodata.groupby(by=['Year']).count()
borocomplaintsbyyear = borodata.groupby(by=['Year','Boro']).count()
In [25]:
complaintsbyyear['Pop'] = [totalnycpop for x in complaintsbyyear.index]
In [26]:
borocomplaintsbyyear['Pop'] = [boropop.get(x[1]) for x in borocomplaintsbyyear.index]
In [27]:
complaintsbyyear['CompPerCap'] = complaintsbyyear['Day']/complaintsbyyear['Pop']
In [28]:
Date Boro Comptype Month Day Pop CompPerCap
2011 1359368 1359368 1359368 1359368 1359368 8491079 0.160094
2012 1528597 1528597 1528597 1528597 1528597 8491079 0.180024
2013 1546188 1546188 1546188 1546188 1546188 8491079 0.182096
2014 1770357 1770357 1770357 1770357 1770357 8491079 0.208496
2015 1924917 1924917 1924917 1924917 1924917 8491079 0.226699
2016 891783 891783 891783 891783 891783 8491079 0.105026
In [29]:
borocomplaintsbyyear['CompPerCap'] = borocomplaintsbyyear['Day']/borocomplaintsbyyear['Pop']
In [30]:
Date Comptype Month Day Pop CompPerCap
Year Boro
2011 BRONX 262597 262597 262597 262597 1438159 0.182592
BROOKLYN 434038 434038 434038 434038 2621793 0.165550
MANHATTAN 273282 273282 273282 273282 1636268 0.167015
QUEENS 315070 315070 315070 315070 2321580 0.135714
STATEN ISLAND 74381 74381 74381 74381 473279 0.157161
2012 BRONX 296502 296502 296502 296502 1438159 0.206168
BROOKLYN 482088 482088 482088 482088 2621793 0.183877
MANHATTAN 314437 314437 314437 314437 1636268 0.192167
QUEENS 358990 358990 358990 358990 2321580 0.154632
STATEN ISLAND 76580 76580 76580 76580 473279 0.161807
2013 BRONX 302328 302328 302328 302328 1438159 0.210219
BROOKLYN 490979 490979 490979 490979 2621793 0.187268
MANHATTAN 332487 332487 332487 332487 1636268 0.203198
QUEENS 343772 343772 343772 343772 2321580 0.148077
STATEN ISLAND 76622 76622 76622 76622 473279 0.161896
2014 BRONX 340297 340297 340297 340297 1438159 0.236620
BROOKLYN 557290 557290 557290 557290 2621793 0.212561
MANHATTAN 373895 373895 373895 373895 1636268 0.228505
QUEENS 408389 408389 408389 408389 2321580 0.175910
STATEN ISLAND 90486 90486 90486 90486 473279 0.191190
2015 BRONX 355017 355017 355017 355017 1438159 0.246855
BROOKLYN 602144 602144 602144 602144 2621793 0.229669
MANHATTAN 417223 417223 417223 417223 1636268 0.254985
QUEENS 455115 455115 455115 455115 2321580 0.196037
STATEN ISLAND 95418 95418 95418 95418 473279 0.201610
2016 BRONX 169773 169773 169773 169773 1438159 0.118049
BROOKLYN 271140 271140 271140 271140 2621793 0.103418
MANHATTAN 209840 209840 209840 209840 1636268 0.128243
QUEENS 200335 200335 200335 200335 2321580 0.086293
STATEN ISLAND 40695 40695 40695 40695 473279 0.085985

From these data, we can see two things: First, on average, about 1 in 5 people make a 311 complaint each year. Second, overall, this number are pretty consistent across the 5 boroughs.