Hack for Heat #2: Problem types over time

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

pd.options.display.max_columns = 40

Hack for Heat #2: Problem types over time

In this post, I'm going to explore how we might track the composition of problems that the HPD(Housing Preservation and Development Board) might receive over time. The data that I currently have are only limited to 2.5 years, so this is just a proof of concept.

In [2]:
hpdcompprob = pd.read_csv("Complaint_Problems.csv")
In [3]:

The first thing we're going to do is convert string dates into simple years, months, and days.

In [6]:
def extract_dates(series, nameofdatecolumn):
    series['Year'] = series[nameofdatecolumn].str.extract(r'../../(.*)', expand=True)
    series['Month'] = series[nameofdatecolumn].str.extract(r'(.*)/../....', expand=True)
    series['Day'] = series[nameofdatecolumn].str.extract(r'../(.*)/....', expand=True)
extract_dates(hpdcompprob, 'StatusDate')
In [7]:
def count_problem_types(pdseries):
    problemtypes = pdseries.unique()
    problemcounts = {k:0 for k in problemtypes}
    problemcounts['TOTAL'] = 0
    for problem in pdseries:
        problemcounts[problem] += 1
    problemcounts['TOTAL'] = len(pdseries)
    print year, problemcounts #this is just to show us what those counts are
    return problemcounts
In [8]:
#years = hpdcompprob.Year.unique()
years = ['2014','2015','2016'] #We know that only these data are relevant (the other, older years, are remnants of old cases)
yearsdict = {k:{} for k in years}
for year in years:
    yearsdict[year] = count_problem_types(hpdcompprob.loc[hpdcompprob.Year == year].MajorCategory)
2014 {'TOTAL': 259437, 'ELECTRIC': 12684, 'HEAT/HOT WATER': 93548, 'WATER LEAK': 14315, 'APPLIANCE': 5231, 'DOOR/WINDOW': 16352, 'HEATING': 16, 'ELEVATOR': 363, 'GENERAL': 9680, 'FLOORING/STAIRS': 11768, 'NONCONST': 185, 'UNSANITARY CONDITION': 34779, 'SAFETY': 5521, 'PLUMBING': 23179, 'CONSTRUCTION': 3, 'OUTSIDE BUILDING': 758, 'PAINT/PLASTER': 31055}
2015 {'TOTAL': 705644, 'PAINT/PLASTER': 84062, 'WATER LEAK': 42512, 'DOOR/WINDOW': 49154, 'APPLIANCE': 14719, 'NONCONST': 69, 'ELEVATOR': 1213, 'GENERAL': 31482, 'HEAT/HOT WATER': 228157, 'FLOORING/STAIRS': 34741, 'UNSANITARY CONDITION': 97221, 'SAFETY': 17105, 'PLUMBING': 67472, 'CONSTRUCTION': 1, 'OUTSIDE BUILDING': 2183, 'ELECTRIC': 35553}
2016 {'TOTAL': 211830, 'ELECTRIC': 9239, 'WATER LEAK': 12063, 'DOOR/WINDOW': 15465, 'APPLIANCE': 4644, 'HEATING': 39, 'ELEVATOR': 377, 'GENERAL': 9738, 'HEAT/HOT WATER': 73803, 'NONCONST': 33, 'UNSANITARY CONDITION': 27727, 'SAFETY': 5243, 'PLUMBING': 20218, 'FLOORING/STAIRS': 9989, 'OUTSIDE BUILDING': 543, 'PAINT/PLASTER': 22709}

Graphing our results

We're going to use matplotlib to make a stacked area graph. I referenced this post.

First, let's arrange our dictionary keys in alphabetical order, so that we can extract the values in a meaningful way.

In [9]:
labels = sorted(yearsdict['2014'].keys())
labels.remove('HEATING') #removed these because 2015 doesn't have an entry, and both the other years have negligible entries
labels.remove('TOTAL') #not interested in total in this plot
In [10]:
years = ['2014','2015','2016']
plotdict = {k:[] for k in years}
for year in years:
    for label in labels:
In [11]:
In [12]:
x = np.arange(len(years))
y = np.column_stack((plotdict['2014'],plotdict['2015'],plotdict['2016']))
plt.figure(figsize = (15,10));
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0xeb24ac8>

This might legit be the ugliest plot I have ever seen. Let's try and fix the colors first.

From this blog post, I got a list of 14 contrasting colors.

In [13]:
from matplotlib import patches as mpatches

plotcolors = [(0,0,0),(1,0,103),(213,255,0),(255,0,86),(158,0,142),(14,76,161),(255,229,2),(0,95,57),\

#rescaling rgb from 0-255 to 0 to 1
plotcolors = [(x[0]/float(255),x[1]/float(255),x[2]/float(255)) for x in plotcolors]
legendcolors = [mpatches.Patch(color = x) for x in plotcolors]

x = np.arange(len(years))
y = np.column_stack((plotdict['2014'],plotdict['2015'],plotdict['2016']))
plt.figure(figsize = (15,10));
plt.stackplot(x,y,colors = plotcolors);
plt.legend(legendcolors, labels);

#some labels for the x axis
xlabels = ['2014', '2015', '2016']
plt.xticks(x,xlabels, size = 18);
plt.yticks(size = 18);
plt.title('HPD Complaints by type over time', size = 24);

Okay, so this looks a little better, and with some tweaking, we can make this work.