Hack for Heat #10: NYC's top complaints

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches as mpatches
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import psycopg2
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date

pd.options.display.max_columns = 40

connection = psycopg2.connect('dbname = threeoneone user=threeoneoneadmin password=threeoneoneadmin')
cursor = connection.cursor()

Hack for Heat #10: NYC's top complaints

In this post, I'm going to look at what the top 311 complaints in NYC are, and how their numbers have changed over the years.

In [2]:
cursor.execute('''SELECT createddate, borough, complainttype FROM service''')
totalcomplaints = cursor.fetchall()
In [3]:

Over the past 7 years, there were about 13 million complaints, which is about just 1.5 per person over the 7 years, or .22 complaints per person per year

In [4]:
totalcomplaints = pd.DataFrame(totalcomplaints)
In [5]:
totalcomplaints.columns = ['Date', 'Boro', 'Comptype']
In [6]:
totalcomplaints['Year'] = [x.year for x in totalcomplaints['Date']]

This is how it breaks down over the years:

In [7]:
Date Boro Comptype
2010 2005730 2005730 2005730
2011 1918888 1918888 1918888
2012 1783013 1783013 1783013
2013 1848938 1848938 1848938
2014 2102177 2102177 2102177
2015 2286697 2286697 2286697
2016 1146739 1146739 1146739
In [8]:
complainttypesbyseason = totalcomplaints.groupby(by=['Year','Comptype']).count()
In [9]:
topfive = complainttypesbyseason['Date'].groupby(level=0,group_keys=False).apply(lambda x:x.sort_values(ascending=False).head(5))
Year  Comptype              
2010  HEATING                   214218
      GENERAL CONSTRUCTION      127131
      Street Light Condition    116466
      Noise - Residential       115615
      PLUMBING                  111504
2011  HEATING                   190184
      GENERAL CONSTRUCTION      133242
      PLUMBING                  113218
      Noise - Residential       111447
      Street Condition          104694
2012  HEATING                   182974
      Noise - Residential       127943
      GENERAL CONSTRUCTION      112436
      Street Light Condition     93981
      PLUMBING                   87561
2013  HEATING                   202896
      Noise - Residential       151516
      GENERAL CONSTRUCTION      112169
      Street Light Condition     92502
      PLUMBING                   86564
2014  Noise - Residential       192608
      HEAT/HOT WATER            132767
      Street Condition          114545
      HEATING                    97597
      Street Light Condition     94665
2015  HEAT/HOT WATER            225706
      Noise - Residential       208026
      Street Condition          124378
      Blocked Driveway          100881
      Street Light Condition     98106
2016  HEAT/HOT WATER            126906
      Noise - Residential       104324
      Illegal Parking            55932
      Blocked Driveway           53955
      Street Condition           51977
dtype: int64

These data gives us a rough idea of how the number of complaints have changed over time, but one problem is that the labels that were used changed each year (presumably because they were replaced by new labels that better reflected what the complaints were). Secondly, for our purposes, some categories can be combined. For example, 'Street Condition' and 'Street Light Condition' may be important for administrators, but for now, we can be content with just "stuff that's gone wrong on the street".

In [10]:
Index([u'Blocked Driveway', u'GENERAL CONSTRUCTION', u'HEAT/HOT WATER',
       u'HEATING', u'Illegal Parking', u'Noise - Residential', u'PLUMBING',
       u'Street Condition', u'Street Light Condition'],
      dtype='object', name=u'Comptype')

So, over the last 5 years, there have been 10 different categories that have made up the top five. Notice that some of these labels have changed over time. We'll have to standardize them.

In [11]:
years = totalcomplaints.Year.unique()

#first have a list of labels that are the same
oldlabels = totalcomplaints.loc[totalcomplaints['Year'] == years[0],['Comptype']]['Comptype'].unique()

newlabels = []

for x in years:
    yearslabels = totalcomplaints.loc[totalcomplaints['Year'] == x,['Comptype']]['Comptype'].unique()
    [newlabels.append(x) for x in yearslabels if x not in oldlabels and x not in newlabels]

From doing this, we get two lists: oldlabels and newlabels, that we will use to decide how to combine stuff.

In [12]:
In [13]:

One modification I'm going to make is to combine 'Street Condition', 'Street Light Condition', 'Street Sign - Damaged', 'Street Sign - Dangling', and 'Street Sign - Missing' into 'Street Condition'.

For the current purposes, these are the same thing.

I'm also going to collapse 'GENERAL CONSTRUCTION', 'General Construction/Plumbing' and 'PLUMBING' into a new category called 'CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING'.

I'll collapse noise related complaints ('Noise', 'Noise - Commercial', 'Noise - Helicopter', 'Noise - House of Worship', 'Noise - Park', 'Noise - Residential', 'Noise - Street/Sidewalk', 'Noise - Vehicle') into a label named 'NOISY'.

Finally, I'll combine 'HEAT/HOT WATER' and 'HEATING' into 'HEAT RELATED'.

In [14]:
streetconditioncomb = ['Street Condition', 'Street Light Condition', 'Street Sign - Damaged', 'Street Sign - Dangling', \
                       'Street Sign - Missing']

totalcomplaints['RevComptype'] = ['Street Condition' if x in streetconditioncomb else x for x in totalcomplaints['Comptype']]

genconstructcomb = ['GENERAL CONSTRUCTION', 'General Construction/Plumbing', 'PLUMBING']

totalcomplaints['RevComptype'] = ['CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING' if x in genconstructcomb else x for x in totalcomplaints['RevComptype']]

noisecomb = ['Noise', 'Noise - Commercial', 'Noise - Helicopter', 'Noise - House of Worship', 'Noise - Park',\
             'Noise - Residential', 'Noise - Street/Sidewalk', 'Noise - Vehicle']

totalcomplaints['RevComptype'] = ['NOISY' if x in noisecomb else x for x in totalcomplaints['RevComptype']]

heatcomb = ['HEAT/HOT WATER', 'HEATING']

totalcomplaints['RevComptype'] = ['HEAT RELATED' if x in heatcomb else x for x in totalcomplaints['RevComptype']]
In [15]:
revisedcomplainttypes = totalcomplaints.groupby(by=['Year','RevComptype']).count()
In [16]:
topfiverev = revisedcomplainttypes['Date'].groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).apply(lambda x : x.sort_values(ascending=False).head(8))
Year  RevComptype             
2010  CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING       287253
      Street Condition            229584
      HEAT RELATED                214218
      NOISY                       201834
      PAINT - PLASTER              93194
      Water System                 70346
      NONCONST                     69659
      Traffic Signal Condition     53773
2011  CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING       272234
      Street Condition            216865
      NOISY                       196453
      HEAT RELATED                190184
      PAINT - PLASTER             100704
      NONCONST                     68407
      Water System                 61577
      Blocked Driveway             52592
2012  CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING       225338
      NOISY                       220392
      HEAT RELATED                182974
      Street Condition            171910
      PAINT - PLASTER              77287
      NONCONST                     60055
      Water System                 57678
      Blocked Driveway             50818
2013  NOISY                       259356
      CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING       223314
      HEAT RELATED                202896
      Street Condition            182618
      PAINT - PLASTER              77957
      Blocked Driveway             57408
      NONCONST                     53831
      Water System                 53186
2014  NOISY                       337892
      HEAT RELATED                230364
      Street Condition            221097
      CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING       106251
      Blocked Driveway             79170
      PAINT/PLASTER                63503
      Illegal Parking              63243
      UNSANITARY CONDITION         61789
2015  NOISY                       387227
      Street Condition            233839
      HEAT RELATED                225706
      Blocked Driveway            100881
      Illegal Parking              92679
      CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING        83585
      UNSANITARY CONDITION         82888
      Water System                 71086
2016  NOISY                       197186
      HEAT RELATED                126906
      Street Condition            105346
      Illegal Parking              55932
      Blocked Driveway             53955
      CONSTRUCTION/PLUMBING        39460
      UNSANITARY CONDITION         35357
      Water System                 31299
dtype: int64

This gives us some different numbers. Taken together, although heat related complaints are still constantly in the top 5, what we observe over time is also a gradual decrease in construction related complaints, a constant, variable but large amount of street-related complaints, and a steady increase in noise-related complaints. Next, I'll post a version of this looking at only the heating season.